Posts Tagged ‘Bruce Checefsky’

Digital Divide at Zygote Press

January 2, 2013


Zygote Press (map)
Friday, Jan 11.2012 6-9pm

Exhibition runs through Feb 9th
Gallery Hours:
Wed: Noon-4:00pm + 6:oo-9:30pm
Sat: Noon-4 :00pm + by appt.

In The Digital Divide you’ll find both the work and written experiences from artists that have bridged the divide transitioning from film to digital, including: Robert Banks, Preston Buchtel, Bruce Checefsky, Lori Kella, Michael Loderstedt, and Jerry Mann.

“The show ask artists that survived the divide to show work that spans the working practice of film and digital production, and asks how this evolution in photography influenced the path of their work,” writes Bruce Edwards.

CLE Photo Sunday: March 18, 2012

March 17, 2012

Check out these events on March 18:

  • Cleveland-Akron Photoshow, 10am-3pm (more info)
  • Juhasz and Checefsky talk at MOCA, 1:30 -3pm (more info)
  • Lori Kella reception @ Dragonfly Lounge, 4-6pm (more info)

Juhasz and Checefsky Talk at MOCA

March 12, 2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012
1:30pm – 3:00pm
The Materialists: Brandon Juhasz and Bruce Checefsky
Artists Reflect on Process + Medium
Free and open to the public

Whether scanning flowers or shooting three-dimensional dioramas made from found images, Juhasz and Checefsky produce photographs that defy our understanding of reality.

“Hey Cleveland art lovers and photo folks I am giving a talk with the wonderful Bruce Checefsky at MOCA this Sunday. Come by, I’ve been working on some new material and Bruce is maybe going to do full body scans.” – CSU Photo friend Brandon Juhasz  shamelessly promoting this event on Facebook

Panel on Landscape at Akron Art Museum

January 31, 2012

Three Northeast Ohio Artists Discuss Landscape Art

Thursday, February 2, 6:30 pm

Bruce Checefsky in front of his photoraphs in "SuperNatural: Landscapes by Bruce Checefsky and Barry Underwood"

The Akron Art Museum will host a panel discussion featuring three local artists currently on view at the museum on February 2 at 6:30 pm.

Bruce Checefsky, Michelle Droll and Barry Underwood will discuss how light, environmental issues and the tradition of landscape painting apply to their work in a panel discussion moderated by Interim Chief Curator Ellen Rudolph.

Regional artist Michelle Droll, creator of Landslide: Between a Rock and a Place, builds environmentally friendly landscapes out of recycled materials. She uses scraps from her studio, Styrofoam and other recycled man-made material to create these scenes. Intrigued by the “building” of landscape with junk, she has created a vibrant sculpture that references present-day environmental concerns.

Cleveland photographers Bruce Checefsky and Barry Underwood use atmospheric and applied light to capture ephemeral moments in nature. All of these artists have illustrated nature and landscapes in different ways but all have unified viewers under one topic.

Learn more from Akron Art Museum’s Blog.

CIA’s Gallery Guy Deconstructs Proposals

November 24, 2009

Watch Episode Eight: Deconstructing Gallery Proposals

…And learn;  and weep; and don’t get his name wrong. Bruce Checefsky.  He’s the Director.