Posts Tagged ‘pod cast’

Advice from Ira Glass

September 30, 2011

First, read the quote above, and take some time to process it with some humility.

Secondly, if you don’t already know, Ira Glass is a genius, and creator & host of This American Life, a weekly NPR radio show that features long-form stories centered around a theme.  I am a long time fan of the show.  It’s a great treatment for artist block.  Locally you can listen on 90.3 WCPN on Sundays at 11am, or on TAL podcast.  Here’s a nice gateway episode called Blame it on Art to get you hooked and on to the harder stuff.

Next, if you like what your hear, check out NPR’s Radio Lab.  Hosts Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich do a compelling job of uniting arts and science in a completely engaging and innovate way.

Finally, when you are in a position to do so, support your local NPR station and get a cool tote bag or coffee mug to show you like smart, creative stuff.